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Contents of Thesis ack'ments - Introduction - Context - Accessibility - W3C/WAI - LitReview - Metadata - Accessibility Metadata - PNP - DRD - Matching - UI profiles - Interoperability - Framework - Implementation - Conclusion - References - Appendix 1 - Appendix 2 - Appendix 3 - Appendix 4 - Appendix 5 - Appendix 6 - Appendix 7

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.


This site has been developed with special assistance from a number of sources. In combination, they have made it possible for work to be undertaken in an integrated and supportive environment. The Web Content Development work was supported financially by a number of Australian and international agencies. The Accessibility Principles site has been further developed during my stay at Tsukuba University in Japan as a very grateful Visiting Scientist.

There are sections of the Accessibility Principles site that were written in collaboration with members of the IMS Global Learning Consortium, the Dublin Core DC Accessibility Working Group (in practice often the same people), and members of the INCITS V2 Working Group and MMI-DC Accessibility and Multilingual Workshops. The author was a working member of all these working groups.

Supportive bodies Description of assistance IMS Australia, participating in the IMS Web Content Accessibility work towards the Web Content guidelines, was supported by DEST by providing funds for work from which this site has benefited significantly. IMS Global Learning Consortium Accessibility Working Group - in particular, Jutta Treviranus, Madeleine Rothberg, Cathleen Barstow, Andy Heath, Hazel ???, Anastasia Cheetham, David Weinkauf, Mark Norton, Alex ?? and Martyn Cooper. Paul Gruba - what a hero!
  University of Melbourne, small grants for work on the accessibility of web content in the Science Faculty and for further work on the website. MELB-WAG Martin Ford, Martin Ford Consultancy, with whom I have done a lot of thinking and writing. University of Melbourne, Department of Information Systems, provided a grant to work on WebCT's accessibility, accommodation and a friendly environment in which to work. All were essential and appreciated.
Oregon State University... Particular thanks to John Gardner and others for their help with the difficult topics of haptic representations, mathematics, science etc.
  Very special thanks to Charles McCathieNevile for his encouragement, sharp critique, friendship and, of course, his expert advice. La Trobe University, Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, for having me as an Adjunct Associate Professor and making it easier to do my work. University of Tsukuba for wonderful times when I have been able to concentrate on my work and learn about the Japanese way of life.
