Chapter 4: Universal Design


Accessibility of digital resources was considered in Chapter 3. For most of the first decade of dedicated work in the field, the focus was on the work of the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, with considerable optimism. WAI has continually engaged with experts from around the world to develop guidelines for resource content development, and authoring and access tools. That effort was originally directed towards what is called universal design. Unfortunately, universal design has not happened and this research it alone is not capable of delivering its promise.

In this Chapter, the history of the accessibility effort is presented briefly before the guidelines are introduced. The details of the guidelines are not important in this context. What is of significance is the aim of the guidelines, and therefore the goal of universal design. The strategies for universal design depend on the separation of content from its presentation, based on pre-Web success with this methodology. The Disabilities Rights Commission (UK) conducted the first major evaluation of the effectiveness of the WAI guidelines and their use and produced some disappointing results. These are considered in detail. They have been replicated and commented upon by other observers.

The early-history of accessibility

The Web as a phenomenon and as separate from the Internet, only emerged in the 1990's, coming to the attention of even early adopters only by 1993 (W3C Web history, 2008). In 1994, in the abstract to "Document processing based on architectural forms with ICADD as an example", the International Committee for Accessible Document Design (ICADD) was:

committed to making printed materials accessible to people with print disabilities, eg. people who are blind, partially sighted, or otherwise reading impaired. The initiative for the establishment of ICADD was taken at the World Congress of Technology in 1991. (Harbo et al, 1994)

They noted:

This ambition presents a significant technological challenge.

ICADD has identified the SGML standard as an important tool in reaching their ambitious goals, and has designed a DTD that supports production of both "traditional" documents and of documents intended for people with print disabilities (eg. in braille form, or in electronic forms that support speech synthesis).

They referred to Standard Generalized Markup Language [SGML] that was used to markup presentations features for the printing of materials. Hypertext Markup Language [HTML], for the Web, was based on SGML.

After the first public meeting about the Web, WWW94, Dan Connolly (1994) reported:

One interesting development is that right now, HTML is compatible with disabled-access publishing techniques; i.e. blind people can read HTML documents. We must be careful that we don't lose this feature by adding too many visual presentation features to HTML.

This was before the World Wide Web Consortium was formed. Yuri Rubinski, an ICADD pioneer, was at that conference. He had been involved in making sure that SGML could be used for other than standard text representations and he and his colleagues did not want their work to be lost in the context of the new technology, the fast emerging Web.

Meanwhile, the World Wide Web Consortium [W3C] was being formed with host offices in Boston, Tokyo and Sophie-Antipolis in France. It came into existence in late 1994. A year later, at the fourth public meeting, WWW4 in Boston in December 1995, Mike Paciello, another ICADD pioneer, offered a workshop called "Web Accessibility for the Disabled".

Within a short time, the American academies were working on what they were calling at the time the National Information Infrastructure [NII]. It was a time of great expectations for the new technologies. In a report published in August 1997, the American National Academies called for work to ensure that the new technologies were accessible to everyone:

It is time to seek new paradigms for how people and computers interact, the committee said. ... No single solution will meet the needs of everyone, so a major research effort is needed to give users multiple options for sending and receiving information to and from a communication network. The prospects are exciting because of recent advances in several relevant technologies that will allow people to use more technologies more easily.

.. the point remains that we are still using a mouse to point and click. Although a gloriously successful technology, pointing and clicking is not the last word in interface technology.

.. New component designs also should take into account the varied needs of users. People with different physical and cognitive capacities are obvious audiences, but others would benefit as well. Communication devices that recognize users' voices would help both the visually impaired as well as people driving cars, for example. It is time to acknowledge that usability can be improved for everyone, not just those with special needs.

And later:

The report draws from a late 1996 workshop that convened experts in computing and communications technology, the social sciences, design, and special-needs populations such as people with disabilities, low incomes or education, minorities, and those who don't speak English. (National Academies, 1997)

It should be noted that the steering committee included Gerhard Fischer and Gregg Vanderheiden, both already champions of the need for accessibility of electronic media. Fischer's slide of 1994 (Figure 23) shows the complexity of the problem:

right for everything
Figure 23: The requirements for accessibility on the Web (Fischer, 1994)

Very soon after the report was released, in October 1997, the American National Science Foundation issued the following press release that would describe the scope of the new W3C Web Accessibility Initiative:

The National Science Foundation, with cooperation from the Department of Education's National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, has made a three-year, $952,856 award to the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative to ensure information on the Web is more widely accessible to people with disabilities.

Information technology plays an increasingly important role in nearly every part of our lives through its impact on work, commerce, scientific and engineering research, education, and social interactions. However, information technology designed for the "typical" user may inadvertently create barriers for people with disabilities, effectively excluding them from education, employment and civic participation. Approximately 500 to 750 million people worldwide have disabilities, said Gary Strong, NSF program director for interactive systems.

The World Wide Web, fast becoming the "de facto" repository of preference for on-line information, currently presents many barriers for people with disabilities.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), created in 1994 to develop common protocols that enhance the interoperability and promote the evolution of the World Wide Web, is working to ensure that this evolution removes -- rather than reinforces -- accessibility barriers.

National Science Foundation and Department of Education grants will help create an international program office which will coordinate five activities for Web accessibility: data formats and protocols; guidelines for browsers, authoring tools and content creators; rating and certification; research and advanced development; and educational outreach. The office is also funded by the TIDE Programme under the European Commission, by industry sponsorships and endorsed by disability organizations in a number of countries.

I commend the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education and the W3C for continuing their efforts to make the World Wide Web accessible to people with disabilities," said President Clinton. "The Web has the potential to be one of technology's greatest creators of opportunity -- bringing the resources of the world directly to all people. But this can only be done if the Web is designed in a way that enables everyone to use it. My administration is committed to working with the W3C and its members to make this innovative project a success". (NSF, 2007)

Things had moved very quickly behind the scenes. W3C had worked through its academic staff to gain the NSF's support for the project and politically manoeuvred the launch into the public arena with the support of a newly appointed W3C Director and the President of the US. (Interestingly, the US President's office contacted the author to see if the Australian Prime Minister (Howard at the time) would also like to endorse the grant. The Prime Minister's response declined the invitation and advised that this was not a priority. (Howard, 1997))

Sadly, Yuri Rabinsky died in 1995. Mike Paciello was the Executive Director of the Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation from 1996-1999, responsible for developing and launching the Web Accessibility Initiative (Paciello ???). Gregg Vanderheiden became the Co-Chair of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, and Mike Paciello, long expected to have become the director of the W3C WAI, went elsewhere when Judy Brewer was appointed to that position.

Another significant player in this history was Jutta Treviranus. She had been working with Yuri Rabinsky at the University of Toronto and quickly emerged, with her colleague Jan Richards, as an expert who could lead the development of guidelines for the creation of good authoring tools.

At WWW6 in 1997, Treviranus argued that:

Due to the evolution of the computer user interface and the digital document, users of screen readers face three major unmet challenges:

  1. obtaining an overview and determining the more specific structure of the document,
  2. orienting and moving to desired sections of the document or interface, and
  3. obtaining translations of graphically presented information (i.e., animation, video, graphics

She further stated that:

These challenges can be addressed by modifying the following:

Treviranus was already the Chair of the Authoring Tools Accessibility Working Group for W3C, and has been ever since. Clearly, the principles of the ICADD developments were on their way into the W3C guidelines.

With the appointment of Wendy Chisholm as a staff member at W3C, the work of TRACE, her former employer and the laboratory of Gregg Vanderheiden (co-chair of WCAG Working Group), the Wisconsin-based researchers, contributed significantly to W3C's WAI foundation. Judy Brewer, the Director of W3C WAI, was not an expert in content accessibility at the time but strong in disability advocacy.

The W3C guidelines were already crawling by the time they were adopted by the W3C WAI.

Separation of Structure and Presentation

W3C WAI inherited, from ICADD's ISO 1280-3 and later standards, the architecture of documents where a Document Terms Definition [DTD] was used to describe the structure of the document. This was done using a common language that could be mapped to a common terminology. There could be any number of styles applied to those structural objects by a designer. Presentation could, and should, be separated from content, as the slogan goes.

ICADD is aware that it is unrealistic to expect document producers and publishers to use the ICADD DTD directly for production and storage. Instead a "document architecture" has been developed that permits relatively easy conversion of SGML documents in practically any DTD to documents that conform to the ICADD DTD for easy production of accessible versions of the documents. (Harbo et al, 1994)

This is important for its explanation of how, given an architecture for markup, a single application can be used to read the markup and present the content in different ways according to instructions about how to present each type of content. It was already the state of the art in 1994.

The article further explains:

Still, the approach chosen by ICADD does seem to be a good one, despite its lack of full generality. The problem that ICADD faces is not only technical, it is also political and organisational. Improving access through the use of the ICADD intermediate format will only happen if information owners and publishers choose to support it; ICADD depends on the DTD developers to specify the mapping onto the ICADD tag set. By using architectural forms for the specification, ICADD reduces the perceived complexity of specification development; and the same time this development - by having the specification be physically part of the DTD - it is stipulated to be an integrated part of the DTD development itself, thus presumably increasing the chances of support from the DTD developers. (Harbo et al, 1994)

What they said of ICADD seems to have accurately predicted what would happen to Web content markup in the next decade. What is now obvious, is that the influence of the early solutions and players was going to prove dominant. Maybe the SGML solutions were too easily taken for granted, as we can now see them as possibly a constraint on other ways of thinking about the emerging problem.

More media, same accessibility

It was but a short step to take the ICADD architecture into the Web world, as happened with the introduction of styles, machine-readable specifications for the presentation of structural elements in a Web page. Hypertext MarkUp Language [HTML] was the same kind of language as SGML although far simpler and, like SGML, referred to a DTD. The progress from the early use of computers to the Web introduced extensive use of multimedia, particularly graphics. HTML needed to be adjusted with element attributes that would stem the flow from inaccessibility back towards some kind of accessibility. The challenge became not one of maintaining the mono-media qualities, which had the qualities Connelly noted, but finding ways to support the proliferation of media without compromising the accessibility.

A simple example is provided by the tag that shows where the inclusion of an image is required. The <img> tag included an attribute that would provide those who could not see the image with some idea of what it contained. Adding the <alt> attribute achieved this. Later, adding a new document element to be known as the <long desc> went further to provide for a full description of the image.

The big idea was that the HTML DTD would specify the structural elements that should be used and the content would be interpreted, according to the provided styles, by the user agent, or 'browser' as it came to be known. What went wrong was that the browser developers were able to exploit this new technology to their advantage. By competitively offering browsers that could do more than any other, the browser developers constantly fragmented the standard. They offered both new elements and new ways of using them. The browser battles continue although a decade later, for a variety of reasons, some browsers are appearing that adhere to the current standards.

The WAI Requirements

As the Web gained popularity, it acquired more and more users for whom it was inaccessible. As Tim Berners-Lee pointed out in an early presentation of the Web (Connolly, 1994), it had gone from being the communication medium for a lot of geeks who were content with text to a mass-medium and in the process lost some of its most endearing qualities, including the equity of participation that characterised the early Web.

The jointly-funded W3C WAI was chartered to:

create an international program office which will coordinate five activities for Web accessibility:

WAI was positioned, then, to receive supplications from all sorts of users who were finding the Web inaccessible or people acting on their behalf. As an open activity, anyone could (and can) join the WAI Interest Group mailing list and voice their opinion. This has been happening for more than ten years and the list of problems is very long. In that time, many obvious problems were identified early and the more difficult ones, such as the problems for people with dyslexia and dysnumeria, have emerged more recently. Many complaints have been repeated. They are generally classified into three types: problems to do with content, user agents and authoring tools and so are channeled towards the three working groups responsible for those areas.

The Working Groups are more focused than the Interest Group and now have charters describing their goals, processes and achievement points that help them prepare a recommendation for the Director of the W3C. Essentially, what they do is gather requirements and describe those requirements in generic terminology, aiming to make their recommendations vendor and technology independent and future proof.

The Working Groups consist of experts who do what experts do, generalise and specialise. One might say, then, that the WAI Working Groups are chartered to determine the relevant specialisations for consideration and to generalise from them to define guidelines for accessibility. The guidelines serve a number of purposes but a clear and specific use of them is to ensure that all W3C recommended "data formats and protocols" contribute to accessibility.

The W3C recommended WAI guidelines have assumed the role of data format and protocol standards. They have been promoted to content creators in their raw form. This has required a considerable support effort and generally, as predicted by ICADD (Harbo et al, 1994), has not been successful (see below).

WAI Compliance and Conformance

W3C is a technical standards organisation and their work is devoted to technical specifications. Whereas another type of organisation concerned about accessibility might have worked on developer practices, and what practices should be encouraged within the industry and developer community, possibly with the pressure of 'ISO 9001' type certification available, W3C has stuck to specifying technical output and been remarkably successful in this process. The result is that many countries, in adopting legal support for accessibility, have also relied on the content specifications. Unfortunately, they have usually ignored the authoring tools and user agent specifications.

The WAI specifications are written in general terms in an attempt to be technology neutral and future-proof. Conformance with general guidelines is not easily verified so the requirements have to be reduced to specifics in each particular case in order to be tested. The working groups who are responsible for the generalisations support this process by producing specific examples in order to clarify what they mean by their generalisations but, of course, these do not fit every situation and so are often not relevant or helpful. In general, the problem is that all these things are subject to interpretation by people with more or less expertise and personal bias. The working groups endeavour to write their recommendations in unambiguous language but, of course, this is not always possible. The result is that conformance is not an objective, absolute quality.

Conformance with technical encoding formats and protocols is simpler. This is a machine determinable state. But accessibility depends upon the formats and protocols having been applied correctly, in the right context. This is a matter for human judgement. As the range of problems that users may have is infinite, it cannot be expected that the guidelines and associated re-defined formats and protocols will cover every possibility for inaccessibility. There are also many requirements that are not capable of such formal definition.

Special resources for people with disabilities

Given the problems with accessibility, many developers have tried to avoid the problem by offering a 'text-only' version of their content. A major problem with this approach has been that the pages often get 'out of synch', with text-only pages not being updated with sufficient frequency. It also is only a solution for some of the problems of accessibility.

Many people with disabilities do not want to be treated as such: they want to be able to participate in the world equally with others so they want to know what others are being given by a resource. They want an inclusive solution. They often prefer the idea of a universal resource - a one size fits all solution that includes them. The Chair of the British Standards Institution's committee on Web Accessibility, Julie Howell (2008) considers this issue and asks is it equality of service or equality of Web sites that matters most.

The early synchronisation objection to the text-only alternative on the part of the developers disappeared when site management was given across to software systems that were capable of producing both versions from a single authoring of content. This relies on a shift from client software responsibility for the correct rendering of the resource to the provision of appropriate components by authoring/serving software. What are called 'dynamic' sites respond to client requests by combining components in response to user requests.

The motivation for accessibility often arises in a community of users rather than creators. It is common to find a third party creating an accessible version of a resource or part of the content of a resource for a given community. The production of closed captions for films is usually the activity of a third party, as is the foreign language dubbing of the spoken sound tracks. ubAccess has developed a service that transforms content for people with dyslexia. A number of Braille translation services operate in different countries to cater for the different Braille languages, and online systems such as Babelfish help with translation services.

The opportunity to work with third party augmentations and conversions of content is realised by a shift from universal design to flexible composition. Universal design has the creator responsible for the various forms of the content while flexible composition allows for distributed authoring. The server, in the latter case, brings together the required forms, determined by reference to a user's needs and preferences.

For flexible, distributed resource composition, metadata descriptions of both the user's needs and preferences and the content pieces available for construction of the resource are needed. The Inclusive Learning Exchange [TILE] demonstrates this. TILE uses metadata profiles to match resources to user's needs, with the capability to provide captions, transcripts, signage, different formats and more to suit users' needs (Chapter 10).

Flexible composition satisfies the requirements for the users, allows for more participation in the content production which is a boon for developers, and demands more of server technology. As noted elsewhere, this is suitable for increasing accessibility but also has the benefit that it limits the transfer of content that will not be of use to the recipient. This technique also saves on requirements for client capabilities which is useful as devices multiply and become smaller. Economically too, it seems to be a better way to go (Jackson, 2004).

In summary, the history of the text-only page exemplifies the trends in resource provision:

from static universal design to flexible dynamic composition

from client to server responsibility for resource rendering

from centralised authoring to distributed authoring

from code-cutting designers to applications-supported designers

from creator-controlled content to user-demanded content

Universal design

During most of the research period, the authoritative version of the WCAG has been "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, W3C Recommendation 5-May-1999" [WCAG-1]. A new version has been under development for which the idea of universal design is maintained. The role of WCAG is still to support the developers as they choose what markup to use (of course, many of them are oblivious of the choices and their implications) and then to check that all is well.

Figure 24: WCAG

The role of the authoring tools and user agents guidelines is to specify how to make and use accessible content (Figure 24). This includes access to the software applications involved in these processes (Figure 25).


Universal Accessibility - the W3C Approach

There is no sense in which one would want to 'fault' the work of WAI in the area of accessibility. Like others, they have struggled to deal with an enormous and growing problem and everyone has contributed all they can to help the cause. Nevertheless, it is clear that the work of WAI alone cannot make the Web accessible. Although there has been a lot written about the achievements of the universal access approach, that is not the topic but rather the context for the current work. The first, and most comprehensive work on accessibility of the Web was conducted by the UK Disabilities Rights Commission. It is, therefore, considered in detail in the next section.

The UK Disabilities Rights Commission Report

On 27/3/03, the UK Disabilities Rights Commission [DRC] issued a press release announcing its "First DRC Formal Investigation to focus on web access". They planned to investigate 1000 Web sites "for their ability to be accessed by Britain’s 8.5 million disabled people". They said that "A key aim of the investigation will be to identify recurrent barriers to web access and to help site owners and developers recognise and avoid them."

Significantly, this testing would not just be done by people evaluating the Web sites against a set of specifications, but they would also involve 50 disabled people in in-depth testing of a representative sample of the sites, testing in their case for practical usability. They claimed that, "This work will help clarify the relationship between a site’s compliance with standards and its practical usability for disabled people". (DRC, 2003)

On 30 April 2003, Accessify carried the following report of the briefing for the DRC project:

.. it isn't a 'naming and shaming' exercise. What exactly does it entail then? Well, the format is basically this - 1,000 web sites hosted in Great Britain are going to be tested using automated testing tools such as Bobby and LIFT. From that initial 1,000 a further 100 sites will undergo more rigorous testing with the help of 50 people with a varying range of disabilities, varying technical knowledge and all kinds of assistive devices. ..

The aim is to go beyond the simple testing for accessibility (although those original 1,000 sites will only have the automated tests) - the notion put forward is "Accessibility for Usability" ... which to these ears sounds like another term for 'Universal Design' or 'Design For All'. I'm not sure I appreciate the differences, if indeed there are any. It's certainly true that getting a Bobby Level AAA pass does not automatically make your site accessible, and it certainly doesn't assure usability. The interesting thing about this study, in my opinion, is how clear the correlation is between sites that pass the automated Bobby tests and their actual usability as determined by the testers. Will a site that has passed the tests with flying colours be more usable? I suspect that the answer will usually be yes. After all, if you have taken time and effort to make a site accessible, the chances are you have a good idea about the usability aspect. We will see ... (Accessify, 2003a)

A year later, after the report was released, OUT-Law published an article about it (2004):

City University London tested 1,000 UK-based sites on behalf of the DRC... Its findings, released yesterday, confirmed what many already suspected: very few sites are accessible to the disabled – albeit an inaccessible site presents a risk of legal action under the UK's Disability Discrimination Act.

However, while the report did not "name and shame" the 808 sites that failed to reach a minimum standard of accessibility in automated tests, City University has today revealed five "examples of excellence" from its study:

... Despite these examples of excellence, the overwhelming majority of websites were difficult, and at times impossible, for people with disabilities to access.

... In its automated tests, City University checked for technical compliance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines. ...

... while 1,000 sites underwent automated tests, City University put 100 of these sites to further testing by a disabled user group.

That group identified 585 accessibility and usability problems; but the DRC commented that 45 per cent of these were not violations of any of the 65 checkpoints listed in the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, or WCAG.

The report was based on Version 1.0 of the WCAG – a version which has been around since 1999. The W3C was keen to point out that the WCAG is only one of three sets of accessibility guidelines recognised as international standards, all prepared under the auspices of the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative. ...

The W3C explained that in fact its WAI package addresses 95 per cent of the problems highlighted by the DRC report. However, both the W3C and the DRC are keen to point out that they are working towards a common goal: to make websites more accessible to the disabled. (Out-Law, 2004)

Judy Brewer, Director of W3C WAI, acknowledged the problems demonstrated by the DRC Report. She predicted that the forthcoming version of the content guidlelines would overcome some of them. She said the new version of the guidelines would be different in style.

Out-Law continued:

This change of style should help: another recent study, by web-testing specialist SciVisum, found that 40 per cent of a sample of more than 100 UK sites claiming to be accessible do not meet the WAI checkpoints for which they claim compliance. Brewer said this is not unusual: "We noticed that over-claiming a site's accessibility by as much as a-level-and-a-half is not uncommon." So Version 2.0 should be more precisely testable.

The reason for the W3C statement on the DRC findings was, said Brewer, to minimise the risk that the public might interpret the findings as implying that they cannot rely on the guidelines.

City University's Professor Petrie told OUT-LAW: "Our report strongly recommends using the WCAG guidelines supplemented by user testing – which is a recommendation made by W3C." She added that the University's data is "completely at W3C's disposal" for its continuing work on WCAG Version 2.0.

Both the W3C and the DRC are keen to point out that developers should follow the guidelines for site design – WCAG Version 1.0 – but they should not follow these in isolation: user testing, they both agree, is very, very important. (Out-Law, 2004)

Out-law's commentary is interesting because it takes a critical position with respect to the report and its relationship and comments on the W3C WCAG Version 1 and 2. Usability and the human-testing of content emerged as incredibly important to accessibility (DRC, 2004b, p. v). These comments will be considered in more detail in following chapters.

DRC Report findings

The DRC Report authors tend to use the term 'inclusive design' rather than universal design. They comment that:

Despite the obligations created by the DDA, domestic research suggests that compliance, let alone the achievement of best practice on accessibility, has been rare. The Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) published a report in August 2000 on 17 websites, in which it concluded that the performance of high street stores and banks was “extremely disappointing” [2000]. A separate report in September 2002 from the University of Bath described the level of compliance by United Kingdom universities with website industry guidance as “disappointing" [Kelly, 2002]; and in November 2002, a report into 20 key “flagship” government websites found that 75% were “in need of immediate attention in one area or another” [Interactive Bureau, 2002]. Recent audits of the UK’s most popular airline and newspaper websites conducted by AbilityNet reported that none reached Priority 1 level conformance and only one had responded positively to a request to make a public commitment to accessibility. (DRC, 2004b p. 4)

They further confirmed the lack of success in achieving accessibility of Web sites by the introduction of the guidelines and the local legislation. This time they were reporting on the state in the UK:

It is the purpose of this report to describe the process and results of that investigation, and to do so with particular regard to the relationship between formal accessibility guidance (such as that produced by the WAI) and the actual accessibility and usability of a site as experienced by disabled users. (DRC, 2004b, p. 5)

The overall finding includes the comment that compliance with the WAI guidelines does not ensure accessibility. Finding 2 contains the sub-point 2.2:

Compliance with the Guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative is a necessary but not sufficient condition for ensuring that sites are practically accessible and usable by disabled people. As many as 45% of the problems experienced by the user group were not a violation of any Checkpoint, and would not have been detected without user testing. (DRC, 2004b, p. 12)

The report goes on to describe many things that could be done by humans including training of Web content providers and Web users, proactive efforts by people with front-line responsibility such as librarians and more.

Finding 5 states:

Nearly half (45%) of the problems encountered by disabled users when attempting to navigate websites cannot be attributed to explicit violations of the Web Accessibility Initiative Checkpoints. Although some of these arise from shortcomings in the assistive technology used, most reflect the limitations of the Checkpoints themselves as a comprehensive interpretation of the intent of the Guidelines. (DRC, 2004b, p. 17)

The level of compliance with the guidelines was amazingly low, even given the common perception that compliance levels are not high:

In addition to the proportion of home pages that potentially passed at each level of Guideline compliance, analyses were also conducted to discover the numbers of Checkpoint violations on home pages. Two measures were investigated. The first was the number of different Checkpoints that were violated on a home page. The second was the instances of violations that occurred on a home page. For example, on a particular home page there may be violations of two Checkpoints: failure to provide ALT text for images (Checkpoint 1.1) and failure to identify row and column headers in tables (Checkpoint 5.1). In this case, the number of Checkpoint violations is two. However, if there are 10 images that lack ALT text and three tables with a total of 22 headers, then the instances of violations is 32. This example illustrates how violations of a small number of Checkpoints can easily produce a large number of instances of violations, a factor borne out by the data. (DRC, 2004b, p. 23)

Analysis of the instances of Checkpoint violations revealed approximately 108 points per page where a disabled user might encounter a barrier to access. These violations range from design features that make further use of the website impossible, to those that only cause minor irritation. It should also be noted that not all the potential barriers will affect every user, as many relate to specific impairment groups, and a particular user may not explore the entire page. Nonetheless, over 100 violations of the Checkpoints per page show the scale of the obstacles impeding disabled people’s use of websites. (DRC, 2004b, p. 24)

The report contains many statistics about the speed with which the users were able to complete tasks in what is generally to be understood as usability testing. It showed, in the end, that usable sites were usable and this, regardless of disability needs.

On page 31, there is some explanation of the results:

The user evaluations revealed 585 accessibility and usability problems. 55% of these problems related to Checkpoints, but 45% were not a violation of any Checkpoint and could therefore have been present on any WAI-conformant site regardless of rating. On the other hand, violations of just eight Checkpoints accounted for as many as 82% of the reported problems that were in fact covered by the Checkpoints, and 45% of the total number of problems. (DRC, 2004b, p. 31)

After providing the details, the report continues:

Only three of these eight Checkpoints were Priority 1. The remaining five Checkpoints, representing 63% of problems accounted for by Checkpoint violations (or 34% of all problems), were not classified by the Guidelines as Priority 1, and so could have been encountered on any Priority 1-conformant site.

Further expert inspection of 20 sites within the sample confirmed the limitations of automatic testing tools. 69% of the Checkpoint related problems (38% of all problems) would not have been detected without manual checking of warnings, yet 95% of warning reports checked revealed no actual Checkpoint violation.

Since automatic checks alone do not predict users’ actual performance and experience, and since the great majority of problems that the users had when performing their tasks could not be detected automatically, it is evident that automated tests alone are insufficient to ensure that websites are accessible and usable for disabled people. Clearly, it is essential that designers also perform the manual checks suggested by the tools. However, the evidence shows that, even if this is undertaken diligently, many serious usability problems are likely to go undetected.

This leads to the inescapable conclusion that many of the problems encountered by users are of a nature that designers alone cannot be expected to recognise and remedy. These problems can only be resolved by including disabled users directly in the design and evaluation of websites. (DRC, 2004b, p. 33)

The final statement here is most important. It is the main thesis of the DRC Report that usability testing involving people with disabilities is essential to the effective testing of content.

What is significant is that there is such a low rate of universal or, as Petrie says, inclusive accessibility. It confirms that there is a great need for more to be done, and that it is unlikely to be done by the original content creators.

In a sense, the Report places responsibility on the users:

Disabled people need better advice about the assistive technology available so that they can make informed decisions about what best meets their individual needs, and better training in how to use the most suitable technology so they can get the best out of it. (DRC, 2004b, p. 39)

While this is a possible conclusion, it is asserted that the conclusion could equally have been that a better method of ensuring user satisfaction should be developed. There is a general emphasis on responsibility and training in many commentaries on accessibility. Many examples of calls are for more training of creators, for example, but perhaps this responsibility is misplaced.

It is also interesting to note that the Report advocates more trust of users to select what they need and want (possibly represented by assistants).

If money is to be spent, the use of better authoring tools may prove cheaper than the training being advocated. And if users need to be served better, perhaps removing the need for them to translate their own needs into assistive technologies has somewhat more potential?

Responses to DRD Report

Petrie, the author of the DRD report, and others say:

Indeed, accessibility is often defined as conformance to WCAG 1.0 (e.g. [HTML Writers Guild]). However, the WAI’s definition of accessibility makes it much closer to usability: content is accessible when it may be used by someone with a disability [W3C. Web Accessibility Initiative Glossary]. Therefore the appropriate test for where a Web site is accessible is whether disabled people can use it, not whether it conforms to WCAG or other guidelines. (Kelly et al, 2005, p. 4)

They continue:

Thatcher [2004] expresses this nicely when he states that accessibility is not “in” a Web site, it is experiential and environmental, it depends on the interaction of the content with the user agent, the assistive technology and the user. (Kelly et al, 2005, p. 4)

Kelly et al (2005) argue that the DRD report and other evidence show that there is not yet a good solution to the accessibility problem but that it clearly does not rest simply in a set of technical authoring guidelines. In fact, they list factors that need to be taken into account in the determination of accessibility:

They argue that priorities must be set for each context and that

This process should create a framework for effective application of the WCAG without fear that conformance with specific checkpoints may be unachievable or inappropriate. (Kelly et al, 2005, p. 7)

They provide an image of the wider context (Figure 26):

diagram from paper showing context
Figure 26: The wider context for accessibility (Kelly et al, 2005, p. 8)

This framework offers one way of thinking about the problems. But only a year later many of the same authors offered what they call the 'tangram' approach (Chapter 5). It should be noted that the proposed AccessForAll approach assumes an operational framework that can include any and all of these contextual issues.

Focusing on tools not products

When the problems with accessibility became clear, the W3C amended their HTML specifications to include some accessibility features [HTML 4.01]. But even better were the opportunities when EXtensible MarkUp Language [XML] replaced HTML as a recommendation from the Director of W3C. XML is a powerful computer language that does the HTML markup work using mostly same tags as the original HTML [XHTML], but is capable of doing a lot of other things as well. Despite the W3C Director's recommendation that people should not continue to use HTML, it is still used extensively.

It is the author's opinion that in many organisations, authors are still producing inaccessible and non-compliant resources because they are using the wrong authoring tools. Good authoring tools, that is, tools that conform to the W3C Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines [ATAG], are both more likely to be accessible for use by people with disabilities and more likely to produce resources that are accessible. This would be done without their need to learn XML. Unfortunately,the Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines have not been taken as seriously as the content guidelines. They are not usually part of legal frameworks for accessibility and authors in general continue to use authoring tools that are non-conformant without querying them. The point that is so often missed is that if authors use these tools, instead of the many non-conforming tools, without needing to know very much they can produce very accessible content 'unconsciously'. The author believes this would make a much bigger difference than has been the case with the approach of trying to make all content developers accessibility-skilled using bad tools and raw markup.

The fact is that HTML continues to be used very often in its raw form and little has been achieved in the way of increased accessibility of the Web.

Chapter Summary

It is an open question whether WCAG should be the foundation of legislation for accessibility. This does not detract from its role as a standard for developers, but it suggests it is not a single-shop solution. Kelly (2008), in particular, has been outspoken about this. In reporting on the UKOLN organised Accessibility Summit II event on A User-Focussed Approach to Web Accessibility, he said:

The participants at the meeting agreed on the need “to call on the public sector to rethink policy and guidelines on accessibility of the web to people with a disability“. As David Sloan, Research Assistant at the School of Computing at the University of Dundee and co-founder of the summit reported in a article published in the E-Government Bulletin “the meeting unanimously agreed the WCAG were inadequate“. (Kelly, 2008)

In the next chapter, other ways of approaching accessibility are considered.

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