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©Liddy Nevile


Overview of topics covered ..

Understanding Users' Different Needs

How to

For a comprehensive list of techniques and quick access to techniques, see the How-to page.

References (in context) to:

Standards-compliant browsers

Note that the tools used to author or browse web pages can make a difference. Advise users to work with the best tools and to avoid those that are not standards compliant. Supporting non-compliant tools does not help the universal accessibility cause - do your bit!

Netscape Navigator: your attention is drawn to the fact that there are versiojns of this browser that are not standards compliant. Resources built so they are 'best viewed with Netscape', or worse, 'only viewed with Netscape', may be inaccessible to people who need the resource. You are advised to not follow this practice and to ensure that resources are standards compliant rather than Netscape compliant.

The corollary is to help people recognise the danger of promoting browsers that are not standards compliant. Try some of the light-weight, efficient browsers below - they may have features you want but have not experienced - eg they may read the web pages, or your mail, to you!

Browsers - Think differently and support accessibility!

There are many browsers available for free. The following are recommended because they try to support accessibility and so encourage developers to 'do the right thing':

Windows: Opera, Internet Explorer, Lynx

Macs: iCab, Wannabe, Internet Explorer, MacLynx

Unix/Lynux: Amaya, Internet Explorer, Lynx

Standards-compliant editors


These tools that are very often'home-made' and the authoring tools guidelines should be followed and the techniques employed.

Authoring/Editing tools

See the W3C Authoring Tools Confirmance Reviews - W3C has developed guidelines for authoring tools and is testing the conformance of some as a way of testing the guidleines. The W3C Working group is hopefully working with the tool developers to make the tools more accessible and more likely to produce accessible resources, in the process.


Evaluation/Repair Tools

How to test your pages ... the WAVE - good for seeing the reading order.... HPR is a product - speaking browser from IBM - voice only...

See test.html

Course management software (it can make resources inaccessible!)

If the resources are directly available, accessibility depends upon the resource, but often they are embedded within course management software that is either inaccessible, or renders the originally accessible resource in an inaccessible form. See notes on WebCT.

Search engines

In some cases, special pages can be constructed to help with problems - see eg the search entry pages constructed by Gregory J. Rosmaita that give access to some of the standard search engines that are otherwise inaccessible:

Learn More ...

Read the W3C HTML (WCAG), ATAG and XML Accessibility Guidelines

Free Online Tutorials to help you

Online tests and the inclusion of students with special needs

see at least the UK standards wrt this.... (local)

Last updated: 8 March 2002