This site is at beta test stage! Comments are welcome. Contributions are sought
and will be published with acknowledgement.
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©Liddy Nevile
How To ...Index
- make sure text content can be enlarged, have its
colour and background varied by the user, be read to the user by a screen
reader, printed on paper or presented by a Braille reader
- provide good navigation without frames (because they are not accessible
to everyone) - use them only if there is also a noframes version that is accessible
and remember that people don't know how to bookmark best recommendation
is don't do frames....
- use images and image
maps so no-one misses important content or links
- create accessible tables that can be looked at
or listened to or read as text with meaning
- use forms and buttons
and provide security for information that flows to and from the user
- add objects to a page
- determine the layout for your content
- use external references and cross-referencing among web pages
- make accessible mathematics and science pages,
including symbols, that are universally accessible - using MathML
- document computer programs in an accessible
way - with code, input and output, variables etc
- use metadata to help people and search engines
find the resource
- offer a Shockwave media resource and equivalent
alternatives for the benefit of all students
- make an XHTML page from an HTML page
- deal with synchronous communication tools such as chat - see
- write music for everyone - see
- use interactive learning materials - see
- add Javascript, Java and Applets or use SMIL
????? - see IBM Java access stuff
- provide students/colleagues with feedback (using document management tags
for check-out and markup for <del> and <ins> - supported only
by IE4 and later???)
- use sound on a page
- handle 'printed' materials distributed on the web (and PDFs)
And from the IMS paper, guidelines for:
NOTE also
Last updated: 8 March 2002