Obvious first thing is to make sure the content is accessible. This may mean, in the case of any object other than plain text, or any object that contains something other than plain text, that the object needs to be rendered in multiple forms so that at least one version will be accessible to all potential users.
Explanations of why web content needs to be made carefully to allow for full access by all, in anticipation of users with special needs, and how it is made accessible, are in the IMS Web Content Accessibility Guidelines White Paper available at http://www.imsproject.org/. Production techniques for accessible content are described in detail at http://www.WebContentAccessibility.org/.
When content is included within WebCT, it can become inaccessible, even though it was originally accessible. This will not happen if the content is merely linked to from within WebCT. In this case, it will be published outside WebCT but available from within WebCT and WebCT will operate as a single integrated system. This is a highly recommended practice as it is the easiest way to ensure the content does not become inaccessible.
Where content is published externally to WebCT, the content pointed to must not be made to appear in a newly-formed window, but within the same window as the original WebCT. Pages that are to appear as integrated WebCT pages should have the same navigation bars as other WebCT pages.
Last updated: 8 March 2002