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and will be published with acknowledgement.
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©Liddy Nevile
Learner Information Profile (draft)
When users do not have full accessto content via a graphical browser, especially
because of special needs such as their eyes are not able to view such a screen
at the time (eg they are driving a car), or they cannot use the key-board or
a mouse (they may be using their hands for something else or they may not have
sufficient motor-control for the task), alternative input and/or output devices
may be invoked. The following information provides a way of analysing the problems
in order to determine what might be a successful combination to give the user
access to content (see IMS Guidelines). Once the requirement
is ascertained, the link will help identify what can be done to help the user.
- keyboard use
- conventional keyboard
- keyboard alternative
- direct keyboard
- alternative indirect
- pointing device
- input support
- OS input support
- browsing application
- other input support
output - check vs original???
- Braille display
- screen magnification
- haptic display
- presentation adaptations
- layout presentation
- text presentation
- background presentation
- speech output
- browsing application
- graphical display
- text-based display
- alternatives required
- alternatives to visual information
- auditory alternatives
- text alternatives
- alternatives to auditory information
- visual alternatives
- sign language text alternatives
- input/output
- synchronised collaboration tools
- text chat
- video conference
- voice chat
- white boarding
- navigation
- control
- structural presentation
- style sheets