Appendix 1: Relevant Publications

History of involvement in project
Date Organisation Activity/publication
1999 AusWeb 99, Ballina NSW Australia Nevile, L. (1999). Universal Web Accessibility: a significant mindshift beyond current web practice.
1999 ARLIS/ANZ Annual Conference, Adelaide SA Australia. Nevile, L. (1999). Convivial Constructionist Environments for Libraries.
1999 The Web after a decade: the fifth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Lismore NSW Australia, Southern Cross University Press

Nevile, L. (1999). Hyperlectures : are they a good educational use of the electronic media?

In this paper, a model use of new web technologies is considered and the model's ability to represent a new generalisable form of educational practice is examined. The model involves the use of materials in web format and a presentation in a range of forms including live lectures or classes, on stand- alone computers with CD/ROM and via networked computers with access to the (world wide) web. The hyperlecture is so-called in recognition of its hypertextual nature, including the mix of media types or multimedia as linked objects. It is also to be thought of as more than a lecture. There is a lecture as part of the hyperlecture. It is presented as a summary of the hyperlecture or as an introduction to it, to be followed by more in- depth lectures also based on the hyperlecture. There may also be self- paced instructional activities and tutorial exercises. The OZeWAI universal web accessibility hyperlecture is considered as a case study of an implementation of the new model. [Author abstract]

2000 WWW9, Amsterdam. L Nevile, S. Lissonnet (2000). Developing a taxonomy for the Agayrra-Timara and Wulburjubur-Bama people's catalogue of rock art.
2000 The Web: communication and information access for a new millennium: the sixth Australian World Wide Web conference, Cairns QLD Australia, Southern Cross University Press.

Nevile, L. (2000). Mapping the Victorian education web: terms and tools.

The Victorian Government's program of improving public access to government information and services via the Internet involves access through a series of websites referred to as information 'channels'. The program also provides a central government website which provides links to separate channels and is searchable in such a way that resources from any departmental sites could be found by searchers. This paper describes the design of the terms and syntax developed for the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training's 'Education Channel' catalog. In particular, the rationale for breaking from what was at the time common extended Dublin Core schemata and the early adoption of a qualified Dublin Core approach is considered. The tools to support the new approach are also described briefly. The Victorian Education Channel is due for release for public access in 2000. [Author abstract, ed]

2000 Books And Bytes: Technologies For The Hybrid Library: 10th VALA Biennial Conference, Melbourne VIC Australia. Nevile, L. (2000). On the web, universal content accessibility is not just browser compatibility.
2001 Information Technology in Schools Annual Conference, Melbourne VIC Australia. Nevile, L. (2001). Entering the Web Era with the Benefit of Hindsight.
2001 L. Nevile. et al. (2001). Quinkan Matchbox Project: Australian Research Council SPIRT Grant No. C00107679. Canberra ACT Australia, Australian Research Council The Quinkan Culture Matchbox applied research project will assist sound cultural heritage management of cultural places in the Laura region through the development of a cutting-edge cultural heritage data management system. Matchbox, a generic resource catalogue, will be developed and customised as the Quinkan Culture Matchbox. The Project will indirectly foster public appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of the Laura region and decrease chances of damage to that heritage. Matchbox will contain records in Qualified Dublin Core format expressed in Resource Description Framework compliant eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and will operate on a low-cost PC platform.
2002 Mapping Sciences Institute, Melbourne VIC Australia. W. Cartwright, L. Nevile. (2002). Web Technologies for Accessible Cartography.
2002 L Nevile, et al. (2002). Museums and the Web 2002, Archimuse.

The Virtual Ramp to the Equivalent Experience in the Virtual Museum: Accessibility to Museums on the Web.

People with disabilities are slowly finding their way on to the Web, up the virtual ramp, as it were. The ramp that is being built is proving popular among many users beyond the community for whom it was first requested. Good practice has ramps integrated into the design of buildings and Web sites from the start, and everyone can feel equally welcome and share in the experiences provided beyond the ramp. The same practices can be adopted on the Web, but often the question is what the best virtual experience that will provide for all inclusively is. The authors argue a range of forms and modalities of resources should be provided to ensure accessibility and richness for all users.

2002 Third Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference, Sydney NSW Australia, School of Information Technology, Deakin University. L Nevile, O. Burmeister, C Simpson (2002). Doing Ethics: a universal technique in an accessibility context.
2002 nevile and burmeister L doing ethics at www???
2002 L. Nevile et al, (2002). IMS Guidelines for Developing Accessible Learning Applications, IMS Global Learning INC.  
2003 Jan 22/23 INCITS Roadmap meeting see accessed 6/1/2004 and associated data at accessed 6/1/2005
2003 UAHCI, Crete, Human Computer Interaction, Crete, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. NY Nevile, O. Burmeister., C. McCathieNevile (2003). High Quality Scenarios for Raising Web Content Accessibility Awareness”.
2003 AusWeb 2003, Sanctuary Cove QLD Australia. L Nevile, E. Smith. (2003). Better Object Descriptions to make Education more Accessible.
2003 AusWeb 2003, Sanctuary Cove QLD Australia L Nevile, S. Lissonnet (2003). Quinkan Matchbox Project: challenges in developing a metadata application profile (MAP) for an indigenous culture.

Museums and the Web 2003, Charlotte VA USA, Archimuse.


L Nevile, S. Lissonnet. (2003). Dublin Core: the base for an Indigenous culture environment?

This paper describes the journey of members of the team developing 'Matchbox', a cataloguing system, as they have sought a way of using Qualified DC metadata (QDC) to describe, collect, and represent Quinkan Culture. Of interest in this paper is how developing a QDC representation has led to questions of cultural definition and, simultaneously, of the use of technologies such as HTML, XML and RDF.

2003 OZeWAI 2003, Bundoora VIC Australia Nevile, L. (2003). Metadata and Accessibility.
2003 OZeWAI 2003, Bundoora VIC Australia. Nevile, L. (2003). Making a Mathematical Textbook Accessible in Braille.
2003 IMS Global Learning. L. Nevile et al. (2003). IMS AccessForAll Meta-data Information Model, XML Binding, Conformance Specification, Best Practice Guide, Uses Cases,
2004 CEN-ISSS MMI-DC report on multilingual and accessibility issues for European Commission standards body working on the use of DC metadata in Europe
2004 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata for e-Communities 2004, Shanghai China. Nevile, L. (2004). Metadata Generation and Accessibility Auditing.
2004 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. Sheppard C, LaPLant. B., Nevile L (2004). Dublin Core and the Alternative Interface Access Protocol. Washington DC, USA.,
2004 International Conference on Digital Libraries, New Delhi, India. Nevile, L. (2004). A Role for Metadata in Promoting Accessibility.
2004 DC 2004, Shanghai China. L Nevile, S. Lissonnet. (2004). The Case for a Person/Agent Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.
2004 Museums and the Web 2004, Washington DC USA, Archimuse. L Nevile, S. Lissonnet, V Roberts, J Treviranus (2004). Rich Experiences for All Participants.
2004 IMS Global Learning. L Nevile et al. (2004). IMS Accessibility Metadata Overview, Information Model, XMl Binding, Best Practices Guide, etc,
2004 CEN-ISSS APLR working online with UK education community developing as modification of AccMD to satisfy their desire to cope with mixed media contexts
2005 IDABC conf paper signifiance of location to accessibility
2005 MW 2005 paper content quality and style adaptations
2005 ISO work  
2005 IMS work  
2005 DCMI work  

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