The work required collaboration with a number of individuals and organisations and, as described above, could not have been simply another isolated solution. This meant that much of the work was not done in isolation or by the author. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of the work was done individually, and many of the publications referred to were in the main written exclusively by the author, even when content and ideas were credited to others. In order to develop a comprehensive piece of work and to avoid incorrect or unfair attribution of writing to the author, all jointly written and published work was colour-coded from the moment of its inclusion in this thesis. Where such work has been retained as part of the thesis, it is recognised as jointly authored and co-authors are acknowledged. In some cases, work authored solely by the author, as part of this thesis, was included in jointly published papers. Although there is some similarity, only work taken from co-authored, published papers is acknowledged as such.
The following relevant papers were published during the writing of the thesis:
Book Chapters
2006, with Martin Ford, with Martin Ford, “Location and Access: Issues Enabling Accessibility of Information” in Multimedia Cartography (2nd Edition) Springer-Verlag (complete).
Journal Articles
2006 "Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services" in New Technology of Library and Information Service, vol. 1/2006 Serial No.132, pp. 17-24.
2006 with J.Treviranus, “Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems” to be published in IEEE TCLT 's Journal of Educational Technology & Society (complete)
Invited papers
2006 paper for ASK-IT conference…
2005 With Jon Mason, “Open Courseware: realising the potential of standards as enablers of valuable global participation” for Initiatives Coloquium held at WSIS 2005, Tunisia
2004 "A Role for Metadata in Promoting Accessibility" for International Conference on Digital Libraries, February, New Delhi.
Refereed Conference Publications
2006 with Morozumi, Nagamori and Sugimoto, FRBR paper……(DCMI conf)2005 “Adaptability And Accessibility: A New Framework“ in Proceedings of OZCHI 2005, Canberra, Australia. November 23 - 25, 2005. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library:
2005 “Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services“ DC 2005, Madrid, Spain.
2005 “User-Centred Accessibility Supported by Distributed, Cumulative Authoring”, Ausweb 2005, Surfers Paradise, Australia.
2005 “Learner-centred Accessibility for Interoperable Web-based Educational Systems”, for WWW workshop as
2005 “User-centred Accessibility as Re-configurability for Location-based Information Systems” with M. Ford,
2005 with M. Ford, “Issues Enabling Multi-locational Accessibility”, IDABC Conference Cross-Border e-Government Services for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens. Conference Papers and Proceedings pps 165-173 Brussels: European Commission (slides at )
2004 with S. Lissonnet, V Roberts, J Treviranus, "Rich Experiences for All Participants" for Museums and the Web 2004, April, Washington DC. See
2003 "Metadata and Accessibility". for OZeWAI 2003, December, Melbourne Australia.
2003 "Making a Mathematical Textbook Accessible in Braille" for OZeWAI 2003, December, Melbourne Australia.
2003 with E. Smith, “Better Object Descriptions to make Education more Accessible” for AusWeb 2003, June, Sanctuary Cove, Australia. See
2003 with S. Lissonnet, “Dublin Core: the base for an Indigenous culture environment?“ for Museums and the Web, Charlotte, USA. in
2003, with O. Burmeister, C. McCathieNevile, “High Quality Scenarios for Raising Web Content Accessibility Awareness” for UAHCI, Crete, Human Computer Interaction, International Proceedings, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New York..
2002 with W. Cartwright, "Web Technologies for Accessible Cartography" for Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia 2002, Melbourne, May 2002.
ISO documents
2005 Heath, A., Nevile, L. & Treviranus, J. (Eds), "Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 1: Framework",
2005 Heath, A., Nevile, L. & Treviranus, J. (Eds), "Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 2: AccessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences Statement",,
2005 Heath, A., Nevile, L. & Treviranus, J. (Eds), "Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 3: AccessForAll Digital Resource Description",
These 3 documents were rewritten as 36N24751 parts 1, 2 and 3 ??????.....
2005 with Kateli, B., "Interpretation and Personalisation: Enriching Individual Experience by Annotating On-line Materials", for Museums and the Web 2005 conference,
2004 Nevile, L. et al, IMS AccessForAll Meta-data Overview,
2004 Nevile, L. et al, IMS AccessForAll Meta-data Best Practice Guide,
2004 Nevile, L. et al, IMS AccessForAll Meta-data Information Model,