All about robot turtles - links to info
Early turtles and Sandra Wills...
Written by in 2023:
"Notes about the General Turtle TT2500.
It's a custom TTL design mostly by Marvin Minsky. The hardware consists of a CPU executing 16-bit microinstructions out of a 4K control store. There are 8 fast registers, and 32 slower scratchpad locations. The main storage is a 16-bit wide up to 64K RAM. There is a keyboard for user input, and UART for talking to a host computer. There are two displays: one for text, and another for vector turtle graphics. The microcode refreshes both displays and interprets macrocode which is a display list for turtle graphics.
Danny Hillis wrote the microcode and invented SPIN and GROW."
See the website for lots of stuff...
There is an interesting site of Apoorva Gupta at
Emailed work of Simon Inns in Stockholm - he might be able to help -
Emailed Francis Massey in Luxumberg - he has robots....
The Powerhouse has a Tasmin Turtle - see
Contact for Terrapin in Cambridge...
Great images and good info at