BIKILOG notice
At last there is a Logo users' group to which
puzzled, ambitious, curious, frustrated, and
expert Logo users can belong — BIg KIds
LOgo Group.
The group has computers (courtesy of CEGV Services) and will welcome members who attend on any Tuesday night (7 — 1Opm). Once a month there will be informal "meetings" or scheduled special interest sessions. Tea & coffee will be available. There is no charge for membership, and no commitments will be required.
Formal classes in Logo-ing will not be conducted on Tuesday nights, but notices of courses offered by CEGV will be made known on these nights.
A library of Logo texts will support the group, as well as records of other Logo groups, research projects, courses, etc.
The postal address is: Box 88, Balaclava 3183, and all phone enquiries (including meeting room location) should be made to CEGV Admin. Officer, Judy Ballantyne (03) 529 7311 .
Please come along with ideas and Logo treats.