Publications (by date)
1983 Let's talk Apple Turtle: teachers' and parents' edition. Sydney: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1983 Let's talk Apple Turtle. Sydney: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1983 Nevile, L. Letter to the editor. Com-3 November 1983 (document)
1984 Let's talk Commodore Turtle - Teacher's and parent's ed. Sydney: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1984 Let's talk Commodore Turtle. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1984 Let's talk Commodore Turtle. Sydney: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1984 Let's talk Tandy Turtle. Sydney: Prentice-Hall of Australia.
1984 Adams, T. & Nevile, L. The Clayton’s Logo Conference (document)
1985 Nevile, L. Some suggested issues for consideration if Logo is to be integrated into formal curricula (document).
1985 Nevile, L. Using video-tape as a a medium for giving teachers an intimate ‘view’ of Logo Programming. Logo 85, Cambridge, Mass. (document)
1985 Nevile, L. What languages or type of computer languages do we want for children? ANZAAS (document)
1986 Dawson, S. comments in Logo Exchange, November 1986, pps 15-18 on Nevile, L. Logo Microworlds in mathematics in Hoyles et al (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Logo and Mathematics education, pps 201-208. University of London, July 1986.
1986 Nevile, L. & Jones, A. Primary mathematics and problem solving with Logo MAV 1986 (document)
1986 Nevile, L. Learning and the Technological Revolution. Keynote address to Principals’ Conference, Auckland, NZ (document)
1986 Nevile, L. Learning form Logo. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Logo and Mathematics education, pps 201-208. University of London, July 1986.
1987 Evaluation of uses of computers in education: report of a UNESCO Regional Seminar, Melbourne, 24-29 May 1987. Hawthorn, Vic: Australian Council for Educational Research.
1987 Nevile, L. & Fox, C. Are microworlds over-rated? Paper for ACEC 1987, Melbourne (document)
1987 Nevile, L. & Jones, A. Poster session on problem solving for teachers. Psychology and Mathematics Education, 1987.
1987 Nevile, L. & Jones, A. Problem solving for teachers. International Conference for Logo and Mathematics education, 1987.
1987 Nevile, L. & Nevile, C. Why should we listen to children? Or Mother and son. Logo/maths conf 87? CEGV 1986?
1987 Nevile, L. & Tatnall, A. Artificial intelligence and education – a new direction or more of the same tired old things? in ACEC 1987 proceedings
1987 Nevile, L. A teacher’s view of computers, potential and learning. NZ conf 1987
1988 Nevile, L. & Fallshaw, M. What’s in a possum? ACEC’88
1987 Nevile, L. Logo is a language – so what? In ACEC 1987 proceedings
1987 Nevile, L. Recursion – should it be avoided or does it liberate? MAV 1987
1987? Nevile, L. & Jones, A. Learning environments – can they be items in a mathematics curriculum? MAV 1989??
1988 How BBC Turtles Talk Pupils' edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1988 How BBC Turtles Talk Teachers' edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1988 Let's talk BBC Turtle: (BBC & Electron) - Teachers' and Parents' ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1988 Let's talk BBC Turtle: (BBC & Electron) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1988 Nevile, L. & Jones, A. Sprinkle, immerse, drown: report of a preservice techer education mathematics course. AARE conf Nov 1988, UNE
1988 Nevile, L. Artificial Life – a real maths learning context. MAV 2/12/1988
1988 Nevile, L. LEGO/Logo as a maths learning environment MAV 2/12/1988
1988 Nevile, L. Logo – the mathetic. MERGA ‘88 Proceedings of the 11th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
1988 Nevile, L. Phantom fish tank investigations a workshop at 1988 MAV given by Marg Fallshaw (in my absence – my father died that morning)
1989 Nevile, L. Art and mathematical understanding: learning to see both the wood and the trees. Computers in New Zealand Schools Vol 1 No 1 July 1989
1989 Nevile, L. Can we see the wood for the trees? Or the trees for the wood? For NZ Computing Journal, May 1989.
1989 Nevile, L. Improving learning with computers ACER Forum, 2 March 1989.
1989 Nevile, L. Redefining mathematics education in a Sunrise classroom. For LME Israel.
1989 Nevile, L. Three microworlds. For Teaching of critical and creative thinking conf
1989+?? Nevile, L. Describe, define, detail – a didactic alternative to Doodle, Design, Debug
1989+?? Nevile, L. The dialectic of ‘teaching’ computing
1991 (with David Loader) Educational computing: Resourcing the future. Jolimont [Vic.] Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers of Victoria, - Occasional paper no. 22. (document)
1992 Proceedings of Logo and Mathematics Education Conference: LME5: Lake Tinaroo, Queensland, Australia, April 1-5, 1991 / edited by Liddy Nevile; with introductions by Richard Noss. Hawthorn, Vic., Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research available at
1994 "Sunrise: From local and institutional to global and personal computing", in Interactive Multimedia in University Education, Ed: K. Beattie, C. McNaught, S. Wills, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 183-192.
1995 "Do users inhabit or build their Boxer environment?" in Computers and Exploratory Learning, diSessa, A. and Hoyles, C. & Noss, R. (Eds.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
1995 "Does the World Wide Web make it worse for naive users" in Debreceny, R & Ellis, A (eds), Ausweb95: Innovation and Diversity, Proceedings of the First Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
1995 "Looking at, through, and back at: Useful ways of viewing mathematical software" in L. Burton and B Jaworski (eds.), Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Bromley, Kent, UK: Chartwell-Bratt
1995 "Sense making and Sensitivities: New Pedagogies? New Practices? New Acceptance of Old Ways of Learning?" in Australian Journal of Educational Computing. Brisbane: ACCE.
1995 (with Ian Reid and John Turner). Using Internet in schools: perspectives, possibilities and issues. Jolimont, Vic.: Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers of Victoria, - IARTV seminar series; no. 46.
1995 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), Directorate of School Education Classrooms of the Future, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1995 with W Cartwright and S Ashdowne, "Designing a Virtual Atlas on the World Wide Web" in Debreceny, R & Ellis, A (eds), Ausweb95: Innovation and Diversity, Proceedings of the First Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
1996 "Developing Mapping Content for the Web: procedures, processes and software", Ashdowne, S., Cartwright, W., and Nevile, L., in Proceedings of Mapping Sciences, 1996, pps 17-34. Canberra: Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia.
1996 "WWW: Making the Familiar Unfamiliar" in Ausweb96: Proceedings of the Second Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
1996 “Constructive multimedia? more satisfying than interactive multimedia or hypermedia? A CD with a hole? with programming tools for users.” for ACEC96: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 1996. Canberra, ACT, hyperlink
1996 “The Australian project – Sunrise”, for Cuccioli E Multimedialita' 1996, Desenzano Del Garda - Palazzo del Turismo, Italy, (Keynote speaker).
1996 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), Internet Unplugged, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1996 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), Oz-E-Kids Goodies disc, Internet CD-ROM and Web site. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1996 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), RMIT Research and Publications Report 1995, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1996 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), RMIT Web site and information kiosk, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1996 with P Batchelor, "Using the Internet model to distribute 'The Internet'" in Ausweb96: Proceedings of the Second Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, Hyperlink
1997 "A Virtual Atlas on the World Wide Web: concept, development and implementation" Ashdowne, S., Cartwright, W., and Nevile, L., in Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference, pps 663-672. Sweden: International Cartographic Association.
1997 "Outside-in or Inside-Out? Which style of web do we want?" in Ausweb97: Proceedings of the Third Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
1997 “W3C's Metadata strategy” in McLean, N. (ed) Metadata: Wednesday 30 July 1997, Metcalfe Auditorium State Library of New South Wales. [Sydney, N.S.W.]: ALIA Information Science Section,
1997 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), Internet Unplugged Professional, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1997 Nevile, L. & Batchelor, P. (Eds.), Tertiary Education in Victoria, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory.
1997 with P Batchelor, "'Handling' a University's Website" in Ausweb97: Proceedings of the Third Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
1997 with Pari Subramaniam, Chirag. V. Pathak, Suresh. C. B., P. V. Murali Krishna, "An Object-Oriented Framework for Mapping Labels" in AW3TC: Proceedings of the Australian World Wide Web Technical Conference. Brisbane, Queensland: Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC), hyperlink
1998 “Scientia - an old name for a new product?” keynote at CONASTA, Melbourne University
1998 “The nebulous web - fog, smog or just meaningless?” keynote at National Conference of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, Darwin.
1998 (with Charles McCathieNevile). OZeWAI: universal Web accessibility information for Australians. Compact disc. [Melbourne, Vic.]: Sunrise Research Laboratory at RMIT for OZeKIDS.
1998 Nevile, L., OZ-e-WAI, Universal Web Content Accessibility, Internet CD-ROM. Melbourne, Sunrise Research Laboratory
1999 “Convivial Constructionist Environments for Libraries” - ARLIS/ANZ presentation and paper for Annual Conference in Adelaide,
1999 “Hyperlectures: are they a good educational use of the electronic media” in AusWeb99: Proceedings of the Fifth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink ""
1999 “Universal Web Accessibility: a significant mindshift beyond current web practice” in AusWeb99: Proceedings of the Fifth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Ballina, NSW: Southern Cross University, hyperlink
2000 "Mapping the Victorian Education Web: Terms and Tools", for AusWeb2K-The Sixth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Cairns, 12-17 June 2000.
2000 “Developing a taxonomy for the Agayrra-Timara and Wulburjubur-Bama people’s catalogue of rock art”, for Ninth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW9), Amsterdam, 15-19 May 2000.
2000 “On the web, universal content accessibility is not just browser compatibility”, for ‘Books And Bytes: Technologies For The Hybrid Library’, 10th Vala Biennial Conference, hyperlink
2001 "Entering the Web Era with the Benefit of Hindsight" for Information Technology in Schools Annual Conference, Melbourne, May 2001.
2002 Liddy Nevile:
Why is Accessibility Metadata Proving Difficult? Dublin Core Conference 2002: 237-241Available at
2002 Michael Currie, Meigan Geileskey, Liddy Nevile, Richard Woodman:
Visualising Interoperability: ARH, Aggregation, Rationalisation and Harmonisation. Dublin Core Conference 2002: 177-183 Available at
2002 with N. Morelli, "Inside Telework: a profile of new mobile work patterns" for "Electronic Networking 2002 - Building Community", Melbourne, July 2002.
2002 with W. Cartwright, "Web Technologies for Accessible Cartography" for Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia 2002, Melbourne, May 2002.
2003 "Making a Mathematical Textbook Accessible in Braille" for OZeWAI 2003, December, Melbourne Australia.
2003 "Metadata and Accessibility". for OZeWAI 2003, December, Melbourne Australia.
2003 Christopher Simpson, Liddy Nevile, Oliver K. Burmeister:
Doing Ethics: A Universal Technique in an Accessibility Context. Australas. J. Inf. Syst. 10(2) (2003) Available at
2003 Liddy Nevile, Oliver K. Burmeister:
Acting Accessibility: Scenario-based consideration of Web content accessibility for development and publishing communities. WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks) 2003 Available at
2003 with Currie, M., Geileskey, M., Nevile, L., Woodman, R. ”Visualising Interoperability: ARH, Aggregation, Rationalisation and Harmonisation” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata for e-Communities 2002: 177-183, Firenze University Press available at
2003 with E. Smith, “Better Object Descriptions to make Education more Accessible” for Ausweb 2003, June, Sanctuary Cove, Australia.
2003 with S. Lissonnet, “Dublin Core: the base for an Indigenous culture environment?“ for Museums and the Web, Charlotte, USA.
2003 with S. Lissonnet, “Quinkan Matchbox Project: challenges in developing a metadata application profile (MAP) for an indigenous culture“ for Ausweb 2003, June, Sanctuary Cove, Australia.
2003 with Sophie Lissonnet. "Dublin Core: The Base for an Indigenous Culture Environment?" Museums and the Web .
2003, with O. Burmeister, C. McCathieNevile, “High Quality Scenarios for Raising Web Content Accessibility Awareness” for UAHCI, Crete, Human Computer Interaction, International Proceedings, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New York..
(2004 by Kateli, BA Enriching Individual Experience by Annotating On-line Materials Available at
2004 A Role for Metadata in Promoting Accessibility, in R K Pachauri (ed/s), International Conference on Digital Libraries 2004: knowledge creation, preservation, access, and management (The Energy and Resources Institute: India, 2004) 479-486
2004 Liddy Nevile, Sophie Lissonnet:
The Case for a Person/Agent Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. Dublin Core Conference 2004 Available at
2004 Liddy Nevile:
Metadata Generation and Accessibility Auditing. Dublin Core Conference 2004 Available at
2004 with many others. “IMS AccessForAll Meta-data.”
2004 with S. Lissonnet, V Roberts, J Treviranus, "Rich Experiences for All Participants" for Museums and the Web 2004, April, Washington DC.
2005 “Adaptability And Accessibility: A New Framework“ in Proceedings of OZCHI 2005, Canberra, Australia. November 23 - 25, 2005. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library:
2005 “Adaptability And Accessibility: A New Framework“ in Proceedings of OZCHI 2005, Canberra, Australia. November 23 - 25, 2005. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library:
2005 “Adaptability And Accessibility: A New Framework“ in Proceedings of OZCHI 2005, Canberra, Australia. November 23 - 25, 2005. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library:
2005 “Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services“ DC 2005, Madrid, Spain.
2005 “Learner-centred Accessibility for Interoperable Web-based Educational Systems”, for WWW workshop as
2005 “User-centred Accessibility as Re-configurability for Location-based Information Systems” with M. Ford,
2005 “User-Centred Accessibility Supported by Distributed, Cumulative Authoring”, Ausweb 2005, Surfers Paradise, Australia.
2005 Liddy Nevile, with Sophie Lissonnet:
Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data. Dublin Core Conference 2005: 31-38 Available from
2005 Liddy Nevile:
Adaptability and accessibility: a new framework. OZCHI 2005 Available at
2005 Liddy Nevile:
Anonymous Dublin Core profiles for accessible user relationships with resources and services. Dublin Core Conference 2005: 61-69 Available from
2005 Nevile, L. et al, IMS specifications for standardization: Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 1: Framework,
2005 with Jon Mason, “Open Courseware: realising the potential of standards as enablers of valuable global participation” for Initiatives Colloquium held at WSIS 2005, Tunisia see
2005 with Kateli, B.. Interpretation and Personalisation: Enriching individual experience by annotating on-line materials, for Museums and The Web 2005 conference,
2005 with M. Ford, “Issues Enabling Multi-locational Accessibility”, IDABC Conference Cross-Border e-Government Services for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens. Conference Papers and Proceedings pps 165-173 Brussels: European Commission (slides at
2005 with S. Lissonnet, “Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data“ DC 2005, Madrid Available at
2006 "Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services" in New Technology of Library and Information Service, vol. 1/2006 Serial No.132, pp. 17-24. Available at
2006 "Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services" in New Technology of Library and Information Service, vol. 1/2006 Serial No.132, pp. 17-24. Available at
2006 “Research convergence to enable accessibility to be customised for individual users” for ASK-IT International Conference, Nice, France, October.
2006 Nevile, Liddy and Jutta Treviranus. “Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems.” Journal of Educational Technology and Society 9 (2006): 215–227.
2006 Nevile, Liddy. "Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services." Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery 22.1 (2006): 17–24.
2006 with Chapman, A., Kelly, B. and Heath, A. “Personalization and Accessibility: Integration of Library and Web Approaches” WWW 2006 Edinburgh, Scotland 22-26 May 2006. Conference Proceedings, Special Interest Tracks, Posters and Workshops (CD ROM). - poster<>
2006 with J.Treviranus, “Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems” in IEEE TCLT's Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2006 Online at
2006 with J.Treviranus, “Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems” in IEEE TCLT's Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2006 Online at
2006 with Lissonnet, S. “Dublin Core and museum information: metadata as cultural heritage data” in Int. J. of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO) ISSN Vol 1 No 3. (Online): 1744-263X ISSN (Print): 1744-2621 Available at
2006 with Martin Ford, “Location and Access: Issues Enabling Accessibility of Information” in Multimedia Cartography (2nd Edition), pps. 127-130. Eds. Cartwright, W. Peterson M. & Gartner G.. ISBN 3-540-36650-4 Springer-Verlag - Heidelberg.
2006 with Morozumi, Nagamori and Sugimoto, “Using FRBR for the Selection and Adaptation of Accessible Resources“ for Dublin Core Metadata Conference, Mexico.
2006 with Pulis, S., Using the DC Abstract Model to Support Application Profiles Developers, Dublin Core 2006. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. Manzanillo (Méjico). 3 - 6 October 2006.
2006 with Pulis, S., Using the DC Abstract Model to Support Application Profiles Developers, Dublin Core 2006. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. Manzanillo (Méjico). 3 - 6 October 2006.
2006 with Pulis, S., Using the DC Abstract Model to Support Application Profiles Developers, Dublin Core 2006. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. Manzanillo (Méjico). 3 - 6 October 2006. Available at
2006 with Sophie Lissonnet. "Dublin core and museum information: metadata as cultural heritage data." International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies1.3 (2006): 198–206.
2007 Enabling Resource Selection Based on Written English and Intellectual Competencies published in Asian Digital Libraries. Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Berlin / Heidelberg ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online) Volume 4822/2007 ISBN 978-3-540-77093-0 Pages 127-130
2007 J Mason, L Nevile Open Courseware: realising the potential of standards as enablers of valuable global participation AUF, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie
2007 L Nevile Access for all accessibility: an inclusive approach La Trobe University. OZeWAI 2007
2007 L Nevile Access for all accessibility: an inclusive approach La Trobe University. OZeWAI 2007
2007 S Lissonnet, L Nevile A forum for indigenous culture building and preservation Museums and the Web, 11-14
2007 with Morozumi, A., & Sugimoto, S. "Enabling Resource Selection based on Written English and Intellectual Competencies" for ICADL, Vietnam, Dec 2007. Later republished by Springer: ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online) Volume 4822/2007 Berlin / Heidelberg.And 2008, in Asian Digital Libraries. Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers, pps. 127-130. Springer: ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online) Volume 4822/2007 Berlin / Heidelberg.
2008 with Brian Kelly, Web Accessibility 3.0: learning from the past, planning for the future ADDW08 Conference
2008, with Kelly, B., Draffan, E., and Fanou, S. One world, one web but great diversity. In Proceedings of the 2008 international Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4a) (Beijing, China, April 21 - 22, 2008). W4A '08, vol. 317. ACM, New York, NY, 141-147. DOI=
2008, with Kelly, B., Draffan, E., and Fanou, S. One world, one web but great diversity. In Proceedings of the 2008 international Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4a) (Beijing, China, April 21 - 22, 2008). W4A '08, vol. 317. ACM, New York, NY, 141-147. DOI=
2008, with Kelly, B., Draffan, E., and Fanou, S. One world, one web but great diversity. In Proceedings of the 2008 international Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4a) (Beijing, China, April 21 - 22, 2008). W4A '08, vol. 317. ACM, New York, NY, 141-147. DOI=
2009 Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 1: Framework and reference model ISO/IEC 24751:1
2009 Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 2: AccessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences Statement ISO/IEC 24751:2
2009 Individualized Adaptability and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 3: AccessForAll Digital Resource Description, ISO/IEC 24751:3
2009 L Nevile thesis Metadata for User-Centred, Inclusive Access to Digital Resources: Realising the Theory of AccessForAll Accessibility RMIT University2008, with Kelly, B. “Web Accessibility 3.0: Learning From The Past, Planning For The Future” ADDW08. University of York, 22-24 September
2009 with Kelly, B., Sloan, D., Fanou, S., Ellison, R. and Herrod, L. “From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability” in Disability and Rehability: Assistive Technology, Volume 4, Issue 4, July 2009, pages 212 – 226. doi:10.1080/17483100902903408
2009 with Kelly, B., Sloan, D., Fanou, S., Ellison, R. and Herrod, L. From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability. Disability and Rehability: Assistive Technology (forthcoming). See
2010 B Kateli, L Nevile Interpretation and Personalisation: Enriching Individual Experience by Annotating On-line Materials, Figure 2 Archives & Museum Informatics
2011 “Adaptable Records: Making Heritage Information Accessible to All" in Multimedia Information Extraction and Digital Heritage Preservation Vol 10, World Scientific series on Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary Research. ISBN 13 978-981-4307-25-3. ISBN 10 981-4307-25-4
2011 L Nevile Adaptable Records: Making Heritage Information Accessible to All Multimedia Information Extraction And Digital Heritage Preservation, 281-294
2011, 2023 Metadata for Learning Resources, ISO/IEC 19788-1
2013 DC Metadata is Alive and Well (and has Influenced a New Standard for Education). Dublin Core Conference 2013: 162-171
2015 with Eva M. Méndez Rodríguez:
Do We Need Application Profiles? Reflections and Suggestions from Work in DCMI and ISO/IEC. Dublin Core Conference 2015: 76-86
2018 State of the Net, Italy
2022 Getting It Right: Matching Resources to Technologies That Match the Individual Student's Needs and Preferences in Assistive Technologies for Differently Abled Students, pps 71-87
2022 Getting it Right: Matching Resources to Technologies that Match the Individual Student’s Needs and Preferences, in Assistive Technologies for Differently Abled Students, Sangeeta Dhamdhere and Frederic Andres (eds). Available at
2022 Traditional Knowledge as a Landcare Strategy in Building global sustainability through local self-reliance: Lessons from landcare, ACIAR 2022 . Available at
2023 AccessForAll Core Accessibility Properties - ISO/IEC 4932
An active editor for the following international standards:
Book Chapters
date?? Nevile, L. Assignment 1: A brief exploration of the interaction between children and their computer microworld
date?? Nevile, L. BIKILOG advertisement
date?? Nevile, L. Can epistemological pluralism make mathematics education more inclusive? 1986-89?
Date?? Nevile, L. Education and worthwhile activities – some thoughts
date?? Nevile, L. Learning about children learning learning.
date?? Nevile, L. Of crab canons and turtle hums – a conceptual appriach to the teaching of the Logo language Com-3 date???
Date?? Nevile, L. What would Piaget say? 1986-89?
Edited digital works
International standards
Invited papers
- Kelly, Brian, Liddy Nevile, David Sloan, Sotiris Fanou, Ruth Ellison, and Lisa Herrod. "From web accessibility to web adaptability." Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 4, no. 4 (2009): 212–226.
- Nevile, Liddy and Jutta Treviranus. “Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems.” Journal of Educational Technology and Society 9 (2006): 215–227.
1984. Nevile, Liddy, and Carolyn Dowling. Let's Talk Apple Turtle. Prentice-Hall of Australia, 1984.
- Nevile, Liddy, and Sophie Lissonnet. "Dublin core and museum information: metadata as cultural heritage data." International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies1.3 (2006): 198–206.
- Nevile, Liddy, and Sophie Lissonnet. "Dublin Core: The Base for an Indigenous Culture Environment?" Museums and the Web (2003).
- Nevile, Liddy. "Anonymous Dublin Core Profiles for Accessible User Relationships with Resources and Services." Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery 22.1 (2006): 17–24.
- Nevile, Liddy. Evaluation of uses of computers in education: report of a UNESCO Regional Seminar, Melbourne, 24–29 May 1987.
Note: the Sunrise CDs were among the very first to be lodged with the National Library of Australia. They were also among the first in the world to use HTML format so users could link from the CD to the online Web.
Other books:
Refereed Conference Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
- Weinkauf, David, Liddy Nevile, Anthony Roberts, Madeleine Rothberg, Jutta Treviranus, Anastasia Cheetham, Martyn Cooper, Andrew C. Heath, Alex Jackl. “IMS AccessForAll Meta-data.” (2004).
With Carolyn Dowling, illustrated by Adrienne Higgs: