You can visit the new NLA website at
Here are the W3C HTML Validation Service results for the document at URI:
Jump to: Weblint Results, Outline, Source Listing or Parse Tree.
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Version of HTML selected: HTML 2.0.
Error at line 14: <BODY BACKGROUND="/icons/bar2.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#333399"![]()
there is no attribute "BACKGROUND" (explanation...)
Error at line 14:CKGROUND="/icons/bar2.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#333399"
there is no attribute "BGCOLOR"
Error at line 14:s/bar2.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#333399" there is no attribute "TEXT"
Error at line 15: LINK="#333399" VLINK="#993333">there is no attribute "LINK" (explanation...)
Error at line 15: LINK="#333399" VLINK="#993333">there is no attribute "VLINK" (explanation...)
Error at line 16: <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIG![]()
there is no attribute "BORDER" (explanation...)
there is no attribute "CELLPADDING" (explanation...)
Error at line 16:ER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIGHT="2
there is no attribute "CELLSPACING" (explanation...)
Error at line 16:LPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIGHT="230"> there is no attribute "WIDTH"
Error at line 16:ELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIGHT="230"> there is no attribute "HEIGHT"
Error at line 16:DDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIGHT="230"> element "TABLE" undefined
Error at line 17: <TR>element "TR" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 18: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/c![]()
there is no attribute "VALIGN" (explanation...)
Error at line 18:<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC
there is no attribute "WIDTH"
Error at line 18:<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons
there is no attribute "NOWRAP"
Error at line 18:GN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.g
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 18:NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"></TD
there is no attribute "WIDTH"
Error at line 18:AP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"></TD> there is no attribute "HEIGHT"
Error at line 19:<TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SR
there is no attribute "COLSPAN"
Error at line 19:N="top" COLSPAN="2" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/nowarat
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 20:<TD VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3" ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="
there is no attribute "ROWSPAN"
Error at line 20:<TD VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3" ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="/icons/g
there is no attribute "ALIGN"
Error at line 20:LIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3" ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="/icons/ggangs.
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 21: <TD></TD>element "TD" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 23: <TR>element "TR" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 24:GN="top" WIDTH="35" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.g
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 25:<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="94"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbuild.
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 31: <TD VALIGN="top"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="230" HEIGHelement "TD" undefined
Error at line 34:C="/icons/whatsnew2.gif" ALT="What's New?" BORDER="0"></A></P> there is no attribute "BORDER"
Error at line 36:N="top" WIDTH="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><FONT COLOR="#000000" SI
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 36:="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1">W. there is no attribute "COLOR"
Error at line 36:="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1">W. there is no attribute "SIZE"
Error at line 36:50" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1">W. element "FONT" undefined
Error at line 41: <TR>element "TR" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 42: <TD> </TD>element "TD" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 43: <TD COLSPAN="2"></TD> element "TD" undefined(explanation...)
Error at line 44: <TD></TD>element "TD" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 46: <TR>element "TR" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 47: <TD> </TD>element "TD" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 48: <TD COLSPAN="4"></TD> element "TD" undefined(explanation...)
Error at line 50: <TR>element "TR" undefined (explanation...)
Error at line 51:PAN="2" WIDTH="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><A HREF="search.html"><I
element "TD" undefined
Error at line 67: <TD WIDTH="222" NOWRAP="NOWRAP" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"> element "TD" undefined(explanation...)
Error at line 98: <TD COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="222" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"> element "TD" undefined(explanation...)
Error at line 132: <HR SIZE="1" NOSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR="#3![]()
there is no attribute "SIZE" (explanation...)
Error at line 132:<HR SIZE="1" NOSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right"
there is no attribute "NOSHADE" (explanation...)
Error at line 132:R SIZE="1" NOSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR
there is no attribute "WIDTH"
Error at line 132:OSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR="#333399">
there is no attribute "ALIGN"
Error at line 132:E" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR="#333399"> there is no attribute "COLOR"
Error at line 134: <H6 ALIGN="right"><IMG SRC="/icons/logo.gif" ALIGN="right"> Please![]()
there is no attribute "ALIGN" (explanation...)
Error at line 134:SRC="/icons/logo.gif" ALIGN="right"> Please send
value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "RIGHT"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM"
Error at line 137:ALIGN="right"><FONT COLOR="#000000"><EM>Last updated 5 Augus
element "FONT" undefined
Sorry, this document does not validate as HTML 2.0.
Below are the results of running Weblint on this document (in "pedantic" mode):
Below is an outline for this document, automatically generated from the
heading tags (<H1>
through <H6>
If this doesn't look like a real outline, it is likely that the heading tags are not being used properly. (Headings should reflect the logical structure of the document; they should not be used simply to add emphasis, or to change the font size.)
Below is the source input I used for this validation:
1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> 2: 3: <HTML> 4: 5: <HEAD> 6: <META NAME="DC.creator" CONTENT="Systems Projects"> 7: <META NAME="DC.title" 8: CONTENT="Welcome to the National Library of Australia"> 9: <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Systems Projects"> 10: <TITLE>Welcome to the National Library of Australia:</TITLE> 11: <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="national library australia NLA"> 12: </HEAD> 13: 14: <BODY BACKGROUND="/icons/bar2.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#333399" 15: LINK="#333399" VLINK="#993333"> 16: <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="595" HEIGHT="230"> 17: <TR> 18: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"></TD> 19: <TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/nowarat2.gif" WIDTH="351" HEIGHT="77"></TD> 20: <TD VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3" ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="/icons/ggangs.gif" ALT="[gang gang cockatoos]" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="218"></TD> 21: <TD></TD> 22: </TR> 23: <TR> 24: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="35" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"></TD> 25: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="94"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbuild.gif" ALT="[photograph of National Library]" WIDTH="94" HEIGHT="81"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"> 26: 27: <P> '</P> 28: 29: <P> <BR> 30: </P></TD> 31: <TD VALIGN="top"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="230" HEIGHT="1"> 32: <BLOCKQUOTE> 33: 34: <P> <A HREF="./new/"><IMG SRC="/icons/whatsnew2.gif" ALT="What's New?" BORDER="0"></A></P> 35: </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> 36: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1">W. 37: T. Cooper 38: <BR> <STRONG>Gang-gang cockatoos 39: <BR> </STRONG>watercolour</FONT></TD> 40: </TR> 41: <TR> 42: <TD> </TD> 43: <TD COLSPAN="2"></TD> 44: <TD></TD> 45: </TR> 46: <TR> 47: <TD> </TD> 48: <TD COLSPAN="4"></TD> 49: </TR> 50: <TR> 51: <TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><A HREF="search.html"><IMG SRC="/icons/msearch.gif" ALT="Search" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A> 52: 53: <P><A HREF="nlaSiteMap.html"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbrowse.gif" ALT="Browse" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A> 54: </P> 55: 56: <P><A HREF="oz/"><IMG SRC="/icons/meaust.gif" ALT="E-Australiana" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A> 57: </P> 58: 59: <P><A HREF="collect/"><IMG SRC="/icons/mcoll.gif" ALT="Collections" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A> 60: </P> 61: 62: <P><A HREF="services/"><IMG SRC="/icons/mserv.gif" ALT="Services" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A> 63: </P> 64: 65: <P><IMG SRC="/icons/mhome.gif" ALT="Home" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"> 66: </P> </TD> 67: <TD WIDTH="222" NOWRAP="NOWRAP" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"> 68: 69: <H4>General Information</H4> 70: 71: <UL> 72: <LI><A HREF="./aboutnla.html">About the National Library</A></LI> 73: <LI><A HREF="./contact/">Contacting the Library</A> </LI> 74: <LI><A HREF="./infoserv/visit.html">Visiting the Library</A></LI> 75: <LI><A HREF="./hours.html">Opening Hours</A></LI> 76: <LI><A HREF="./tour/">Online Tour</A></LI> 77: <LI><A HREF="./events/">Events</A> & <A HREF="./exhibitions/">Exhibitions</A></LI> 78: <LI><A HREF="./pub/">Publications</A></LI> 79: </UL> 80: 81: <H4>Internet Resources & Databases</H4> 82: 83: <UL> 84: <LI><A HREF="./oz/">Electronic Australiana</A> </LI> 85: <LI><A HREF="oz/ausejour.html">Australian Journals</A> </LI> 86: <LI><A HREF="">NLA Catalogue (OPAC)</A> 87: </LI> 88: <LI><A HREF="./internet.html">Internet Resources</A></LI> 89: <LI><A HREF="./oz/gov/">Australian Governments' Entry Point</A></LI> 90: <LI><A HREF="./gov/">Government Information</A> 91: <BR> </LI> 92: <LI><A HREF="./dbases.html">NLA Databases</A>, including 93: <BR> <A HREF="./abn/">ABN</A>, <A HREF="./ozline/">Ozline</A>, 94: <A HREF="./images1/">IMAGES 1</A>, <A HREF="./raam/">RAAM</A>, 95: <A HREF="">ILRS Directory</A> 96: <BR> </LI> 97: </UL> </TD> 98: <TD COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="222" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left"> 99: 100: <H4>Collections & Services</H4> 101: 102: <UL> 103: <LI><A HREF="./collect/">About the Collections</A> </LI> 104: <LI><A HREF="./guides/">Guides to the Collections</A> </LI> 105: <LI><A HREF="./infoserv/">Research & Information Services</A> 106: </LI> 107: <LI><A HREF="./publish.html">Information & Services for 108: Publishers</A> </LI> 109: <LI><A HREF="./servlibs.html">Services for Libraries</A> </LI> 110: <LI><A HREF="">Australian Libraries 111: Gateway</A></LI> 112: <LI><A HREF="/nsp/">Kinetica (Networked Services)</A></LI> 113: <LI><A HREF="./disabil.html">Services for People with Disabilities</A> 114: </LI> 115: <LI><A HREF="./infoserv/rrooms.html">Reading Rooms</A> </LI> 116: <LI><A HREF="./niac.html">National Initiatives & Coordination</A> 117: </LI> 118: <LI><A HREF="survey/cschart/index.html">Service Charter</A></LI> 119: </UL> 120: 121: <H4>Navigating the Site</H4> 122: 123: <UL> 124: <LI><A HREF="./nlaSiteMap.html">Browse the Site Map</A></LI> 125: <LI><A HREF="./nlaindex.html">Quick Find Index</A></LI> 126: <LI><A HREF="./search.html">Search the Site</A></LI> 127: <LI><A HREF="./navigate.html">Navigation Aids</A></LI> 128: <LI><A HREF="./about.html">About this Site</A></LI> 129: </UL> </TD> 130: </TR> 131: </TABLE> 132: <HR SIZE="1" NOSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR="#333399"> 133: 134: <H6 ALIGN="right"><IMG SRC="/icons/logo.gif" ALIGN="right"> Please send 135: your comments and suggestions to <A HREF=""></A></H6> 136: 137: <H6 ALIGN="right"><FONT COLOR="#000000"><EM>Last updated 5 August 1998</EM></FONT></H6> 138: </BODY> 139: </HTML>
Below is the parse tree for this document. Note: this feature is still under construction! I'm trying to make this easier to read somehow, with little success.
I'm excluding the attributes, as you requested.
<HTML> <HEAD> <META> </META> <META> </META> <META> </META> <TITLE> Welcome to the National Library of Australia: </TITLE> <META> </META> </HEAD> <BODY> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> </TD> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> </TD> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> </TD> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> <IMG> </IMG> <P> †' </P> <P> † <BR> </BR> </P> </TD> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> <BLOCKQUOTE> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> <TD> <FONT> W. T. Cooper <BR> </BR> <STRONG> Gang-gang cockatoos <BR> </BR> </STRONG> watercolour </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> † </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> † </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <IMG> </IMG> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> <P> <IMG> </IMG> </P> </TD> <TD> <H4> General Information </H4> <UL> <LI> About the National Library </LI> <LI> Contacting the Library </LI> <LI> Visiting the Library </LI> <LI> Opening Hours </LI> <LI> Online Tour </LI> <LI> Events & Exhibitions </LI> <LI> Publications </LI> </UL> <H4> Internet Resources & Databases </H4> <UL> <LI> Electronic Australiana </LI> <LI> Australian Journals </LI> <LI> NLA Catalogue (OPAC) </LI> <LI> Internet Resources </LI> <LI> Australian Governments' Entry Point </LI> <LI> Government Information <BR> </BR> </LI> <LI> NLA Databases , including <BR> </BR> ABN , Ozline , IMAGES 1 , RAAM , ILRS Directory <BR> </BR> </LI> </UL> </TD> <TD> <H4> Collections & Services </H4> <UL> <LI> About the Collections </LI> <LI> Guides to the Collections </LI> <LI> Research & Information Services </LI> <LI> Information & Services for Publishers </LI> <LI> Services for Libraries </LI> <LI> Australian Libraries Gateway </LI> <LI> Kinetica (Networked Services) </LI> <LI> Services for People with Disabilities </LI> <LI> Reading Rooms </LI> <LI> National Initiatives & Coordination </LI> <LI> Service Charter </LI> </UL> <H4> Navigating the Site </H4> <UL> <LI> Browse the Site Map </LI> <LI> Quick Find Index </LI> <LI> Search the Site </LI> <LI> Navigation Aids </LI> <LI> About this Site </LI> </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR> </HR> <H6> <IMG> </IMG> Please send your comments and suggestions to </H6> <H6> <FONT> <EM> Last updated 5 August 1998 </EM> </FONT> </H6> </BODY> </HTML>