image of a small e spinning - the OZeKIDS logo

An OZeWAI CD was produced by the Sunrise Research Laboratory at RMIT in 1998. It is one of a series of Internet/CDs produced by Sunrise Research Laboratory for the OZeKIDS Project, a National Library of Australia project.



Credit for much of what appears on the CD is due to those who have worked together to develop the Universal Web Accessibility Guidelines for W3C. Among them, from Australia, have been Jason White and Charles McCathieNevile. To all involved we offer our thanks.

The bulk of the research for this CD was done by Liddy Nevile, greatly assisted by Desley Lamb and Georgie Nevile.

The Link community was originally asked to nominate sites which they considered should be accessible to everyone. From those, a random selection of sites was made and those sites were worked on in several ways:

We did not pick good, or bad, websites, and we make no judgement about what we found. We thank those providers of web material whose websites have been sampled. We consider that they will contribute to the overall effort of making websites more accessible and for this we are grateful to them.

Tim Patterson made the videos. He was assisted by the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind and Jason White.

Peter Batchelor made the CD, given the website developed by Liddy Nevile.

Jonathan O'Donnell, Shar McMillan and Desley Lamb contributed to the work in many, many ways. 'Thank you' to them all.


And last, but certainly not least, we'd like to thank our sponsors for the WAI Day which made the making of this CD possible. We were sponsored by Multimedia Victoria, the Australian Multimedia Testing Centre, Telstra Disabilities Liaison Unit, RMIT University Corporate Affairs Group and the Department of Human Services.