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Bobby Accessibility Report

URL:, September 7, 1998 11:06:00 PM EDT
Bobby Version: 3.0b3, build: 002
Browser Compatibility: HTML 3.2
Click on the error messages below to find out more information.

Accessibility Errors

This page has not been rated for accessibility. You must choose the "Accessibility Evaluation and Rating" option to get an accessibility rating.

The following section contains a list of 6 accessibility problems that should be fixed in order to make this page accessible to people with disabilities.
  1. Provide alternative text for all images
    Line 18: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
    Line 19: <TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/nowarat2.gif" WIDTH="351" HEIGHT="77"></TD>
    Line 24: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="35" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
    Line 25: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="94"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbuild.gif" ALT="[photograph of National Library]" WIDTH="94" HEIGHT="81"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1">
    Line 31: <TD VALIGN="top"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="230" HEIGHT="1">
    Line 134: <H6 ALIGN="right"><IMG SRC="/icons/logo.gif" ALIGN="right"> Please send

Accessibility Recommendations

This section contains a list of accessibility recommendations that you should fix in order to improve accessibility. Accessibility recommendations do not affect the Bobby Approved rating.
  1. If possible, avoid using tables to format text documents in columns

Accessibility Questions

This section contains a list of accessibility questions. Bobby is unable to determine if these questions are satisfied so it is important for you to check each item carefully.
  1. Does this image convey important information beyond what is in its ALT text description?
    Line 18: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="40" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
    Line 19: <TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/nowarat2.gif" WIDTH="351" HEIGHT="77"></TD>
    Line 20: <TD VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3" ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="/icons/ggangs.gif" ALT="[gang gang cockatoos]" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="218"></TD>
    Line 24: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="35" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"></TD>
    Line 25: <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="94"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbuild.gif" ALT="[photograph of National Library]" WIDTH="94" HEIGHT="81"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="1">
    Line 31: <TD VALIGN="top"><IMG SRC="/icons/clear.gif" WIDTH="230" HEIGHT="1">
    Line 34: <P> <A HREF="./new/"><IMG SRC="/icons/whatsnew2.gif" ALT="What's New?" BORDER="0"></A></P>
    Line 51: <TD VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="150" NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><A HREF="search.html"><IMG SRC="/icons/msearch.gif" ALT="Search" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A>
    Line 53: <P><A HREF="nlaSiteMap.html"><IMG SRC="/icons/mbrowse.gif" ALT="Browse" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A>
    Line 56: <P><A HREF="oz/"><IMG SRC="/icons/meaust.gif" ALT="E-Australiana" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A>
    Line 59: <P><A HREF="collect/"><IMG SRC="/icons/mcoll.gif" ALT="Collections" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A>
    Line 62: <P><A HREF="services/"><IMG SRC="/icons/mserv.gif" ALT="Services" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22"></A>
    Line 65: <P><IMG SRC="/icons/mhome.gif" ALT="Home" BORDER="0" WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="22">
    Line 134: <H6 ALIGN="right"><IMG SRC="/icons/logo.gif" ALIGN="right"> Please send

Accessibility Tips

This section contains a list of accessibility tips that you should review. Please note that there are some aspects of page design that are important to accessibility but can not be tested automatically by Bobby. Some of these may appear below in the accessibility tips section.
  1. Make sure that text, image, and background colors contrast well and that color is not used as the sole means of conveying important information

  2. Make sure that headings are nested properly

  3. Encode list structures and list items properly

  4. Make sure that document structure is supported by the proper use of structural elements

  5. Avoid ASCII art. Replace it with an image and alternative text

  6. If you can't figure out any other way to make a page accessible, construct an alternate version of the page which is accessible

Browser Compatibility Errors.

The following section contains a list of 2 browser compatibility errors. Browser compatibility errors help to determine when HTML tags and their attributes are not compatible with certain web browsers or HTML specifications. Problems here do not mean that this page is necessarily inaccessible. Browser compatibility errors do not affect the accessibility rating of a page.
  1. Unknown attribute HEIGHT in element TABLE for browser(s): HTML 3.2

  2. Unknown attribute COLOR in element HR for browser(s): HTML 3.2
    Line 132: <HR SIZE="1" NOSHADE="NOSHADE" WIDTH="550" ALIGN="right" COLOR="#333399">

Download Time

The following three column table gives download time statistics for the images, applets, and objects on this page. The first column contains the URL of each item, the second column the item size in kilobytes, and the third column the approximate download time for each item when using a 28,800 baud modem. At the end of the report, an arbitrary delay of 0.5 seconds is added for each file to account for slow-downs caused by HTTP connection times.

Time (seconds) 6.22 K 1.73
/icons/clear.gif 0.81 K 0.22
/icons/nowarat2.gif 8.26 K 2.29
/icons/ggangs.gif 19.48 K 5.41
/icons/mbuild.gif 4.58 K 1.27
/icons/whatsnew2.gif 2.08 K 0.58
/icons/msearch.gif 2.10 K 0.58
/icons/mbrowse.gif 2.12 K 0.59
/icons/meaust.gif 2.42 K 0.67
/icons/mcoll.gif 2.30 K 0.64
/icons/mserv.gif 2.13 K 0.59
/icons/mhome.gif 2.08 K 0.58
/icons/logo.gif 0.46 K 0.13
55.03 K
HTTP Request Delays

Total + Delays
