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On this site, there is a quick overview of accessibility, a quick overview of the site, a 40 minute video presentation and a hyperlecture (lecture that has links to more resources).
One way is to use the flowchart; another is to work through to what is required from within the IMS Guidelines for Developing Accessible Learning Applications (local annotated copy). The Site Index can be used to get quickly to 'how-to' information.
This site has a few simple goals. It aims to help people understand the way to produce accessible web resources - resources that are of value to all users, no matter what particular access devices they may be relying upon, including assistive devices that make well-formed web resources available to people with special needs. By developing accessible sites, authors increase their reach by 25%, so there is a good business case and if the resource is for public use, accessibility is often a legal requirement.
The site offers examples of how to do web development so the product is accessible to everyone. The examples are accompanied by code that can easily be edited and re-used. Explanations are offered. The range of structural markup tags and techniques that enable accessibility are described: those left out are not recommended. There is also a list of style (formatting) attributes that can be used in styles to display structured content.
As many people use DreamWeaver, there is information about how to use it correctly to produce accessible content.
For courseware managers, there is material about BlackBoard and WebCT.
For those managing web sites development, there is some guidance about what to do when.
Last updated: 8 March 2002