What then are some exemplary problems?

Who can make a difference?

  • website commissioners
    - by checking that those who make their sites know how to make universally accessible sites and by reading the guidelines so they themselves know what is possible
  • website authors
    - by working from the guidelines and using not only correct document encoding, but also good, accessible design of the pages and of the site
  • website browsers or users
    - by setting their computer's browser so that the overriding styles are suitable for their needs.
  • The important distinction for people to know about is that unless

    are treated as three distinct aspects of the process, it is unlikely that the site will be universally accessible.

    What will happen if the problem is ignored?

    For a start, not everyone for whom the website may be of interest will be able to get access to what is on it. There is evidence that in addition, many people are avoiding websites that they do not find convenient to work in.

    Finally, there are legal obligations which may become relevant if no effort is made. See, for example, the Disabilities Discrimination Act.


    Copyright Liddy Nevile 19 March 2001. This material may be copied if source is acknowledged.